Preliminary In the last three chapters, we described Baba’s passing away. His physical or finite form has undoubtedly disappeared from our view, but the infinite or spiritual form always lives. We have largely spoken about the Leelas which occurred during His lifetime. However, even after He passed away, fresh Leelas have taken place and are even now happening. This READ MORE
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Sai Satcharitra Chapter 43 and 44
Baba’s Passing Away (Continued): Preparation It is a general practice amongst Hindus that when a man is about to die, specific religious scriptures are read out to him, so that his mind is withdrawn from worldly things and is fixed on God. Thus, his future progress is natural and easy. When the king Parikshiti was cursed READ MORE
Sai Satcharitra Chapter 42
This chapter describes Baba’s death. Preliminary The stories given in the previous chapter have shown that the light of the Guru’s grace destroys the fear of our mundane existence, opens up the path of salvation and turns our misery into happiness. If we always remember the feet of our Sadguru, our troubles come to an end, READ MORE
Sai Satcharitra Chapter 41
Story of the Picture: Nine years after the occurrence of the incident depicted in the last chapter, Ali Mahomed met Hemadpant and related the following story to him: One day, while walking on the streets of Bombay, he bought the picture from a street vendor, framed it and hung it on a wall in his READ MORE
Sai Satcharitra Chapter 40
Preliminary Blessed is Shri Sai Samartha who gives his devotees instructions in both temporal and spiritual matters, and makes them happy by enabling them to achieve the goal of their life. When Baba places His hand on their heads, He transfers His powers to them and thus destroys the sense of differentiation and makes them attain that Unattainable Thing. READ MORE
Sai Satcharitra Chapter 39
Some believed that Baba did not know Sanskrit and Hemadpant wrote another chapter (chapter 50) refuting that notion. As that chapter deals with the same subject matter, it is incorporated into this chapter. Preliminary Blessed is Shirdi, blessed is the Dwarkamayi where Shri Sai lived; And blessed are the people of Shirdi whom He obliged and for READ MORE
Sai Satcharitra Chapter 38
Preliminary Oh, blessed Sadguru Sai, we bow to You; you have given happiness to the whole world, safeguarded the welfare of Your devotees and have destroyed the afflictions of those who have resorted to Your Feet. You are very liberal and the protector and savior of devotees who surrender themselves to You; You incarnate yourself in this world READ MORE
Sai Satcharitra Chapter 37
Preliminary Blessed is Sai’s life and His daily routine; His ways and actions are indescribable. At times, He was intoxicated with Brahmanand (divine joy) and at other times content with knowledge of the self. Despite doing so many things, He was not concerned with them at all. Though He seemed at times physically motionless, He was not READ MORE
Sai Satcharitra Chapter 36
The Two Gentlemen Two men came from Goa to receive Baba’s darshan and prostrated themselves before him. Though both came together, Baba asked only one of them to give Him 15 rupees as Dakshina, which was paid willingly. The other man voluntarily offered 35 rupees and this sum was rejected by Baba, to everyone’s astonishment. Shama, who was present, READ MORE
Sai Satcharitra Chapter 35
This Chapter also continues the subject of the importance of Udi and it also gives two cases in which Baba was tested and not found wanting. Preliminary In spiritual matters or endeavors, sectarianism is the greatest bar to our progress. Those who believe that God is formless, are heard saying that to believe that God has a READ MORE